23 February 2013


Hello there!
sorry for not updating for such a long time.
i wasn't here in Kuching during the big Chinese festive, Chinese New Year!
had a family trip to Singapore and Cambodia from the 5th to 12th of Feb.
ended up visiting Angkor Wat on the very FIRST day of Chinese New Year.
very not mainstream, which I likey HEHEHE.

A brand new year, a brand new hair style!

YAY for the BANGS!
made me so mei-mei look HAHA!

my new hair color!
wanted to dye them ash, but ISH i'm an ASIAN!!
so no ash color can be seen *sigh*

Okay, stop for that topic right now.
I will blog about my CNY trip real soon, since I'm having my long honeymoon holiday.
so 14th of Feb, who the hell out there doesn't know this date?

We met in the afternoon, he picked me up from Cindy's house to his house.
and before picking me up, Cindy and me were so busy wrapping the PRANK presents HEHEHE.

Look at these evil faces!
Cindy was holding mine, and i was holding Cindy's!
Cindy's : few small packs of almost-expire chocolates.
Amelia's : PEANUTS!!
Bryan and Jeff love chocolates and nuts respectively.

the 'present' from me!
wrapped with few pieces of recycled paper HEHEHE!

handmade card from him
i LOVE to receive handmade thingy from him.
he's always very creative.

i know he's so happy but WHY that face =.=
he loves to eat nuts, almost every kind of nuts.
so to grant his crave, i gave him peanuts.
good girlfriend, not?

headed to Simplicous at Green Road for our Valentine's dinner.
waited for the fucking 2 hours.
they served a-la-carte but not set meal, that's the reason why we waited for that long.

my OOTN.
creamy white lace dress to suit this romantic day.
so much in the v theme!

us with the creamy wild mushroom carbonara!
guess this's the only main course which is suitable for vegetarian.
(boyfriend is a vegetarian)
ordered some other side dishes but didn't capture hmm.

what girls do when they're bored

CAMWHORING! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i apologized for all the hungry faces i made, i was starving that time that i can swallow an elephant!
i'm sorry, i mean i can swallow a big tree! (boyfriend is a vegetarian oops!)

and again, i apologized for his my-gf-forced-me-to-take-photos faces.
it's really kind of hard to capture good photos of him URGH!
and if he requested me to take photos, those poses of him, i was like " can't you have any other better poses?"

it's dessert time double YAY!
since boyfriend didn't like this 'fruity merry', it ended to be in my big belly HEHEHE.

i would like to use this blogging chance to thank that big guy.
which is the very first time in public. NERVOUS

thank you for being such a nasty, bullying me all the time.
thank you for that wtf expression, making my expression more wtf than yours.
thank you for...........

OOPS i should write something good!

thank you for the patience, in teaching and leading me.
thank you for the tender care, which i think i more caring than u do HAHA
thank you for standing by my side always.
thank you for never ever wanting to quarrel with me.
thank you for being such a sweetheart, making me grin always.
thank you for treating me like a princess of yours.

seriously i know i should fucking stop. 
i don't want my readers to forbid this blog like forever and ever HAHAHA
looking forward to the 6th valentine's!

till then, ciao!

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